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Short-eared Owls

	Yes, there are Short-eared Owls on the Alligator River Refuge, apparently
breeding. I was waiting for Fish & Wildlife to announce it, but can wait no
longer. I went out Sunday morning very early and found three of them. Keith
Watson (of F&W) observed at least 6 several days ago. You can find the owls
by turning left off Milltail Road onto Long Curve Road and driving .8 miles
(I think) just before a small patch of woods begins. From there look towards
the NE? to the back of the farm fields near a large piece of equipment
(combine?). Of course, very early or very late is required and the public is
not allowed on the refuge after dark so plan accordingly. Scopes are
recommended although the birds can be seen with binoculars. I actually heard
the owls "barking" before I ever saw them! If you go early, you almost
certainly will see one or more bears, also. I saw 4 sunday in the fields
between me and the owls.
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC