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New Bird Book

A new bird book for the Carolinas will soon be hitting the news. I will
warn folks that it is not geared for you folks; it is geared for the
beginner. So, don't be misled by the title -- "Birds of the Carolinas:
Field Guide".

This is a 4 3/8 x 6" paperback, with 361 pages and 219 color photos, of
140 species. These are common species or ones likely to be seen in the
yard -- including the winter finches and nuthatches. The photos are
excellent, and several folks at work already want copies.

I was involved, as was John Gerwin, of choosing which of the 140
species, out of a possible 450 or more, to choose to have photos and
text presented. The author, Stan Tekiela, I think is from Minnesota, or
at least that state book is already done. You get the idea -- he likely
will work on similar books for other states.  The book does provide tiny
color range maps, which John and I helped out with also. Stan did the
text, which is helpful with info on nest, eggs, etc. But, the text is
really not very geared for the Carolinas -- it is more generic.

It sells for $14.95. Again, this is a pocket-sized book of nice color
photos, and standard text on nesting, etc. You might want to buy a copy
for someone you think might be intersted in starting to ID birds, etc.
But, if you have the Nat. Geo. guide, the Kaufman guide, the Sibley
guide, etc., this is not the book you want to buy for yourself.
Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net