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Cedar Waxwings, Anhinga, heron rookeries in 'Gator River NWR


Must be a good year for Cedar Waxwings in NC . . . yesterday (9 June 01) 
Anne and I canoed the Alligator River NWR where Jeff Lewis reported the 
heron rookery a couple of weeks ago.  We found the rookery (lots of 
active nests with lots of young herons), saw at least three Anhinga while 
canoeing, found a second heron rookery at the southern end of the lake, 
and had two pairs of Cedar Waxwings playing around in the trees at the 
shore.  The first pair we found was between the two rookeries, and the 
second was along the north shore of the lake.  Another highlight was 
canoeing alongside (maybe 20 feet away) from some pretty decent sized 
gators (we're glad they weren't too hungry . . .).


PS.  Prothonotary Warblers were "everywhere"!

Jeff Pippen, CarolinaLeps Listowner		 jspippen@duke.edu
Biology Dept. Box 90338				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278