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Catesby, Waxwings and other things, plus an RFI

Hi C-birders,

Attatched below is an RFI from BIRDCHAT about birding in the Wrightsville 
Beach area. Please reply to  Nina Cohen <nina@SWVA.NET>

Had dinner at a friend's house on Saturday. Heard singing Louisiana 
Waterthrush, Blue-headed Vireo, and Ovenbird from his back porch. He 
lives on a high bluff above the Eno River.

There was a pair of Cedar Waxwings at Irvin Farm as recently as the 
Chapel Hill Spring Bird Count, May 5. Just a pair, and late enough that 
they could have been nesting, and perching on a Red Cedar. Haven't been 
back to check since. Did see at least two flocks of the same species in 
the LRGV of Texas the following weekend, so we're far from the 
southernmost outpost!

Out of state, Delaware is getting interesting, as it often does in the 
summer. A breeding-plumage Little Egret at Bombay Hook NWR, and a nearly- 
breeding-plumage Curlew Sandpiper next door at the Little Creek Wildlife 
Area. See the DC Area RBA for details.

Just found out from the Florida listserv that the library of the 
University of Wisconsin has placed Mark Catesby's classic "The Natural 
History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands: Containing the 
Figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects and Plants." Volume I 
is overwhelmingly birds, Volume II everything else. The text is tough to 
read on-line but can apparently be printed, and the pictures are very 
nice in an old-fashioned Audubony kind of way... See 
I assume that the author is for whom Catesby's Trillium, which I saw for 
the first time a month or so ago at TLC's Johnston Mill Preserve, is 

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)



Date:         Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:11:05 -0400
From:         Nina Cohen <nina@SWVA.NET>
Subject:      RFI Wilmington area, NC

Hi, Chatters:

My partner and I will be visiting with my parents at a beach house in 
Wrightsville Beach, NC, very close to Wilmington, on June 18 - 23. Does 
anyone have any good suggestions for birding in the area (within an 
hour's drive)? We're especially interested in seeing shorebirds, 
skimmers, and other coastal specialties. Piping Plover would be way, way 
cool, but we don't want to go anywhere that would unduly disturb the 

Many thanks for your help! Please feel free to reply on- or off-list, 
whichever seems most appropriate.

Good birding,

Nina Cohen
Floyd, VA