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Re: Mt. Mitchell Field trip

Simon Thompson wrote:
"Yellow-rumped Warbler: Last, but not least....we only had brief views of a
singing male that was PROBABLY this species. Unfortunately we could not
relocate it once the bird had stopped singing. This was at the lower end of
the upper parking lot, near the picnic ground. The song was a typical
Yellow-rump ramble, but with 2 parts, the second part being given at a lower
I hope that someone else will be able to relocate the bird, as I will be
heading out of town (again!) to Churchill and will not be able to follow
this sighting up to confirm it."

About 15 years ago I saw a Yellow-rumped Warber at Mt. Mitchell State Park, 
on the Old Mitchell Trail just above the restaurant parking area.  I don't 
recall if I saw it in June or July, but the sighting was noted in "Briefs for 
the Files" in The Chat.  As I recall, the bird I saw was a female.

Paul C. Hart
Lillington, NC