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Purple Gallinule


The Purple Gallinule continues at my weedy dock in back yard on Lake
It was seen at 9:30 and 3:00 Today, June 5, Tuesday.

The Black-whiskered Vireo was sought early in the AM  today and NOT found at
Bald Head Island.

I'll give a report tomorrow and then we are unavailable for a few days.
Birders are still welcome to look for "our" Purple Gallinule.  I know of no
other place to look on the lake unfortunately.  The weeds are very extensive
and high.

Here are directions to our house:  Daytime only.
674 Sunset Lakes Blvd.

Take #179 left, south, coming from SE on Rt 17.  Rt. 179 has been rerouted
so that it now goes right on Old Georgetown Rd.  When you get to the main
entrance of Pearl Golf Course, in a few miles, turn left and drive all the
way through the course, bearing left at first fork, (next to clubhouse).

After you pass out of the back gate continue straight.  You will pass Osprey
Lake on the left, which has coquina roads going left on both sides of lake.
Your route goes past these and then you take the next left, Sunset Lakes
Blvd.  Our house has a big sign "Azalea Sunset".

You may also get to our place by going off old Rt 179, onto Lake Shore Drive
and past the Twin Lakes, and then onto Sunset Lakes Blvd. which goes by the
foot of Medcalf Lake, but there's a big sign that says Sunset Lakes.  Then
you will take the right turn on the other side of Medcalf where Sunset Lakes
Blvd makes a right angle turn right.  Right? Right.  This is the preferred
way for people familiar with the area, and there's less chance of Pearl Golf
Course's gates being close, although we have been told they will remain


I may never get another rarity, but . . . . . . Thank you.

STRATEGY:  Take a look from dock.  If you don't see, go up on our back deck
and watch the area of the weeds beyond the end of, and just a foot or so to
the left of the dock, IN THE WEEDS.  Eventually you'll see his head pop up.
Then it's safe to slowly go down the path and out very slowly to  near the
end of the dock.  It may permit you to go to the end of the dock without
moving very much.  He has a favorite spot he will stay in for many, many
minutes if not disturbed.

Remember we have many sizes of Wood Ducks and we also have Common Moorhens
AND many male and female Common and Boat-tailed Grackles frequenting these
same weeds.

And Yes,  we have Cardinals feeding Cowbirds.

For you PAINTED BUNTING fanciers, there are Painted Buntings at my friend
Carolyn Bush's feeders and the yellow house next to her.  Address for Bush's
is 415 Lake Shore Drive (on East Lake a handful of houses in off old Rt.
179.)  They welcome birders, but don't go way back in back yard and spook
the WOOD STORKS if they are present.  You can tell by looking from old Rt.
179 back at their peninsula.  The buntings come to feeders near the houses.

Time of day for the Purple Gallinule
8:15 AM to 10:45 AM
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

This is his Call:  (nothing like a Common Moorhen)
KEE-KEE-KEE-KEE - the length and loudness determined by how excited he is.

And Good Birding:
Mary McDavit