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Re: Dickcissel nesting and mowing

In a message dated 6/13/01 3:11:41 PM, phukan@email.unc.edu writes:

<< But here
is the question: What happens to that nest when the farmer gets ready to
mow the field? Does anyone know if Dickcissel nests might escape a
mowing? I am not hopeful, but would like to hear speculations from others.

I've been wondering about this a lot ever since saw that the area directly 
across the road has been mowed between the patches of corn recently.  Is this 
land owned by Anilorac Farm?  Anilorac and Mapleview are somewhat related and 
I know Mapleview has an easement they've given to Triangle Land Conservancy, 
so maybe they'de be OK about leaving the nest area and surrounding area alone 
for now, that is if the plans were to mow it.  

Shelley Theye 

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC