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dickcissel nest mowing

Dear Carolinabirders:
In a recent message I expressed some concern about the nesting dickcissel
pair at Anilorac Farm, since the nest is in a hay field that the owner,
Charles Snipes, is certain to mow long before the nestlings hatch. Since
then I have heard from Shelly Theye expressing the same concern and also
the idea that maybe Mr. Snipes can be persuaded to leave a little unmown
patch around the dcissel nest. I would hate to see a vagrant bird try so
hard to get together a family only to have its babies mowed down after
hatching (which is probably what would happen givent he fact that the
grass in the filed is yet quite short, and will be ready for mowing in a
couple of weeks). 

Anyway, what do others think of the idea of trying to talk to Charles
Snipes, and how should we do it? I know him slightly and would be willing
to go talk to him, but not alone; might we approach him collectively to
try to persuade him by showing him the birds and pointing out how rare
they are around here? Or is this a totally impractical and hare-brained
scheme? Please respond to the entire list, not just to me.

Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
