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Re: dickcissel nest mowing

Yes, talk to him by all means.
Most people are happy to cooperate.
                                               Reece Mitchell
                                               Flat Rock
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shantanu Phukan" <phukan@email.unc.edu>
To: "Carolina Birds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: dickcissel nest mowing

> Dear Carolinabirders:
> In a recent message I expressed some concern about the nesting dickcissel
> pair at Anilorac Farm, since the nest is in a hay field that the owner,
> Charles Snipes, is certain to mow long before the nestlings hatch. Since
> then I have heard from Shelly Theye expressing the same concern and also
> the idea that maybe Mr. Snipes can be persuaded to leave a little unmown
> patch around the dcissel nest. I would hate to see a vagrant bird try so
> hard to get together a family only to have its babies mowed down after
> hatching (which is probably what would happen givent he fact that the
> grass in the filed is yet quite short, and will be ready for mowing in a
> couple of weeks). 
> Anyway, what do others think of the idea of trying to talk to Charles
> Snipes, and how should we do it? I know him slightly and would be willing
> to go talk to him, but not alone; might we approach him collectively to
> try to persuade him by showing him the birds and pointing out how rare
> they are around here? Or is this a totally impractical and hare-brained
> scheme? Please respond to the entire list, not just to me.
> Shantanu Phukan
> *****************************************************
> Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
> University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
> Curriculum in Asian Studies
> Alumni Hall 413C
> Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
> phukan@email.unc.edu
> 919-962-6825
> *****************************************************