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New Rd., Conway, SC 6-14

Hi y'all,
    That Peachey guy named Jack called me up and wanted to chase some
butterflies this afternoon, so I accompanied him down New Rd. (The whole
butterfly thing has gotten a bit depressing lately.) Anyways, I/we saw/heard
a few neat birds before the rain set in.
Great Egret - 2
Green Heron - 1 flyover
Wood Stork - 2 flyover
Wood Duck - 1 heard
Turkey Vulture - 1
R/s Hawk - 1 very vocal ind.
Killdeer - 2
Least Tern - 3
MODO - 2
Barred Owl - 1 jetted out of the swamp and across the road low
Chimney Swift - 2
Red-bellied Wp. - 4  (3 were in and out da same cavity!)
Red-headed Wp. - 1
Downy Wp. - 1 heard
Pileated Wp. - 2 one seen, one heard
Blue Jay - 1 heard
Fish Crow - a few, seen and heard
B-h Nuthatches
Carolina Wren - 2
N. Parula - 1 heard
Yellow-throated W. - 1 heard
Pine W. - 1 heard
Prothonotary W. - 1 heard
Indigo Bunting - 2 heard
Common Grackle - 1 headed in the general direction of my feeders (#*$% it!)

There were somadoze butterfly things as well...

Ooops...MODO stands for Mourning Dove.


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker