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Results of Arizona birding trip

Probably no reason to put this in CarolinaBirds but oh well.    
    Just returned from a 2 week camping trip to the Flagstaff, AZ area and a 
brief stint in the Sonoran Desert around Phoenix. Detailed description can be 
given for all that are interested. For a couple days we loosely followed the 
Winging It article path. Birding throughout the area was very plentiful. A 
total of around 140 species were tallied,
Highlights included: * = new species
Lewis's Woodpecker*
Swainson's Hawk
Band Tailed Pigeon
Pygmy Nuthatch*
Cordilleran Flycatcher*
Sulpher Bellied Flycatcher*
Red Faced Warbler*
Painted Redstart*
Warbling Vireo*
Brown Creeper
Virginia's Warbler
Rock Wren
Black Headed Grosbeak 
Yellow Warbler
Bell's Vireo
heard Northern Pigmy Owl
heard Flammulated Owl
Red Crossbills*
Red Naped Sapsucker*
Green Tailed Towhee 
Townsend's Solitaire
MacGillivray's Warbler
Prairie Falcon*
Peregrine Falcon
Western Scrub Jay
Bewick's Wren*
Bridled Titmouse*
Brown Crested Flycatcher*
Olive Sided Flycatcher
Clark's Nutcracker
White Crowned Sparrow

White Winged Dove*
Gilded Flicker*
Inca Dove*
Gambel's Quail*
Black Necked Stilt
Curve Billed Thrasher*
Cactus Wren*
Canyon Wren*
Canyon Towhee*
Common Poorwill*
Gila Woodpecker*
Black Tailed Gnatcatcher*
Greater Roadrunner*
Bendire's Thrasher*

back to Flagstaff area
Ash Throated Flycatcher*
Cassin's Kingbird*
Comm. Black Hawk 
Say's Phoebe*
Anna's, Black Chinned, Broad Tailed Hummer
YB Chat
Blue Grosbeak
CALIFORNIA CONDORS at Grand Canyon, 13 seperate, absolutely great
Black Throated Gray Warbler
Gray Flycatcher
Williamson's Sapsucker
Chihuahuan Raven on the train back to Charlotte

Many new mammals also.
Cliff Chipmunk
Bighorn Sheep
Rock Squirrel
Abert's Squirrel
Mule Deer
White Tailed Antelope Squirrel
Arizona Gray Squirrel
Golden Mantled Squirrel
Spotted Ground Squirrel

Again, I am happy to give trails taken, and areas of all the birds.

Glad to be back,
Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC