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Mid-pines Rd./NCSU Dairy Farm, Raleigh

The spouse and I took a ride down Mid-pines Rd. in central-southern Wake
Cty recently to look for Yellow-breasted Chats, a species we had not yet
seen this year.  In addition to the agricultural fields and stream crossing
that make this dirt road attractive, there is a successional area that
looked, to our eyes, to be pretty good for Chats.  We indeed found several
as well as a pair of copulating Yellow-billed Cuckoos, many Indigo Buntings
and a Blue Grosbeak.  Bobwhite called frequently.  in short, everything
that we thought should be there was.
Unfortunately for birders, the NCSU dairy unit, which includes the famous
NCSU dairy pond, is still posted with bio-containment area warning signs.
My fear is that this restriction will become permanent even after the
current foot (hoof) and mouth disease scare passes.  Does anyone know if
the NCSU folks are considering going back to the "old way" of allowing
birders access to the dirt roads through the complex, or is there anyway to
obtain formal permission to access during the time that the bio-containment
rules are in effect?  I'm going to hate knowing that good shorebirding is
just over that hill that I can't cross!!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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