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Virginia Rail

Had a very nice bird today, while visiting my Mom in Illinois.

I was working a marshy area with mudflats and some water in a shallow pool
when a small bird darted out of the reeds to grab a quick bite, and then
quickly darted back. Being a beginner, I grabbed my handy Peterson's. 
It was a Virginia Rail!

I had a great look over twenty minutes while the rail darted back and
forth, and at one point, had a bath.

I'm not sure how rare it is to get such a nice look, but I certainly
enjoyed it.

Also had a very good look at a female common yellowthroat, also at Rock Cut
State Park. She also had a very good look at me, as she hopped from branch
to branch, looking first with one eye, then the other.
There are scores of common yellow throats in the park, every twenty yards
or so, you can hear another singing.

Also have seen the dickcissel several times at Kieselburg Forest Preserve.

I am missing my mountains in Carolina very much, but it would appear that
there are a few birds here in Illinois! :-)

Best wishes to all.

Russ Palmeri
Asheville, NC
Currently in Rockford, IL
Looking at me 
Looking at her
Common yellowthroat!
Russ Palmeri <rpalmeri@mindspring.com>
All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death.
All love life.
See yourself in others.
Then what harm can you do?  Buddha.