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Solitary Dunlin @ Cowans Ford?

The subject title has a double meaning:

Among the usual suspects, we observed a Solitary Sandpiper at Cowans Ford
(the two farm ponds) this past Tuesday, August 7.

There was also a second shorebird which we scoped intently for about an hour
that we (my birding friend and I) were forced to conclude was a Dunlin.  The
bird was of the right size (compared directly with Killdeer and Solitary
SP), had the requisite black legs and feet, and - most importantly - had a
bill of exactly the right proportion and decurvature.  There are two
observed points about which which we are puzzled/hesitant:

1. I have never seen a solitary Dunlin.  They have always been in groups
when I have observed them in the past - mostly in S. Florida and other SE
coastal areas.

2. The bird in question was NOT in breeding plumage.  It's plumage rather
matched the non-breeding plumage illustrated in all of the guides we
consulted (Sibley, Peterson, NG, Kaufman, et al.).

Has anyone else observed this bird?  Have any Dunlin been sighted at CFWR
prior to this?

Also, can anyone answer the questions:

1. WHY have there been little or no ducks of any sort - dabblers OR divers -
at the Farm Ponds within the past six months? Artifact of my invalid status
(due to recent hip surgery, I get there less often lately)?  Has anyone else
noticed a drastic drop-off in duck appearances at CFWR?

2. Why is the east pond being allowed to dry out?  The culvert connection
between the two ponds seems to have been closed off, as there is a
noticeable difference in the water levels between the two ponds.

Tomm "naughty boy" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTommX@XBellSouth.net or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
So he stood in his shoes
   And he wonder'd,
   He wonder'd,
He stood in his
   Shoes and he wonder'd.
			~ John Keats
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