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migrants at Gardendale, Lexington Co., SC

At lunchtime today I braved the heat and did my usual migration count for
the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory at Gardendale Access on the Saluda River
near Irmo, Lexington County, SC. I was pleased that there were actually a
few migrants around, even in the middle of the day. My best birds were a
well-studied immature female Cerulean Warbler in a treetop and killer looks
at a Swainson's Warbler just a few feet away in the privet brush.

Here is my list (12:05 PM to 1:11 PM):

Spotted Sandpiper -- 1
Belted Kingfisher -- 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- 5
Downy Woodpecker -- 1
Northern Flicker -- 1
Pileated Woodpecker -- 1
Red-eyed Vireo -- 1
Blue Jay -- 3
American Crow -- 3
Purple Martin -- 1
Carolina Chickadee -- 5
Tufted Titmouse -- 3
Carolina Wren -- 10
Eastern Bluebird -- 2
American Robin -- 4
Gray Catbird -- 1
Brown Thrasher -- 3
Northern Parula -- 2
Cerulean Warbler -- 1 (immature female)
Swainson's Warbler -- 1
Hooded Warbler -- 1
Eastern Towhee -- 3
Northern Cardinal -- 7
House Finch -- 1
American Goldfinch -- 2

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC