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More at Lake Howell (Coddle Creek Res.) north end

More... A visit between 0930 and 1100 this morning yielded most of those
seen earlier (despite bushhogging going on in the area) PLUS

Least Sandpiper (2) distinguished from the Semipalmated SPs also present by
their slightly smaller size and greenish (non-black) legs
Stilt Sapdpiper
Baltimore Oriole (imm.)
Blue Grosbeak males (4) + 1 imm. peeping for food
Indigo Buntings (3 males)

Tomm "naughty boy" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTommX@XBellSouth.net or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
So he stood in his shoes
   And he wonder'd,
   He wonder'd,
He stood in his
   Shoes and he wonder'd.
			~ John Keats
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-----Original Message-----
From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
[mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of AHK4586@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 15:59
To: carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu
Subject: Coddle Creek Res. and vagrant from down under, mink

Just got back from Coddle Creek Reservoir along hw. 136 to see how migration
is doing. Don't know if this is worth it after noticing Taylor's post. It
sort of rough standing on a bridge with Ford F-350's and Dodge Ram's zipping
by at 60 mph in 93 degree heat with 60% humidity after leaving my water
bottle at home, but still turned up some good birds.(there are safer places
to stand, but not as good views.)

Green Heron-1
Little Blue Heron-2, both in white juvenile plumage
GB Heron-1
Great Egret-4
Black Vulture-2
Solitary Sandpiper-1
Semipalmated Sandpiper-10
Lesser Yellowlegs-5
Greater Yellowlegs-2
Pectoral Sandpiper-6
Spotted Sandpiper-2
LEUCISTIC COCKATIEL- this guy or gal was hangin' out on the wires and the
surrounding bushes, unafraid and very handsome
Cliff Swallow-10
Orchard Oriole-3
Field Sparrow-2

one Mink quickly ducked out of cover as soon as we drove up

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, nc