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Warblers at Jackson Park

Hendersonville's hotspot, Jackson Park has been spotty recently.  Great
effort has to be put into perhaps seeing a Black-throated Green Warbler or a
Hooded Warbler.  A week ago Harvey Neil pointed out a pocket of warblers on
the Warbler trail which yielded good views of an Ovenbird, Black-throated
Green Warbler, Black-and-White Warbler, Northern Parula, and an immature
Chestnut-sided Warbler.

A few days ago he saw a female Blackburnian Warbler.

Yesterday I walked around the nature trail and in the mowed shortcut I was
able to get good looks at a female American Redstart, female Northern
Parula, female Hooded Warbler, and wonderful views of an Ovenbird.

On the east side of the walk there are two small ponds just south of the
boardwalk.  The furthest south pond has a mowed access path.  There I
spotted a female Wood Duck, and a very accomodating Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.
Back in June I saw nesting BGGN at the NC Arboretum near Ashville.

John Lindfors
mailto: JLindfors@msn.com
Hendersonville, North Carolina