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conway wastewater ponds, 8-14

Hi y'all,
    Dreary morning, waiting for a FedEx, to kill time went over to New Rd.
for awhile. A good number of shorebirds and waders at the sewage ponds, with
a few others thrown in.

D-c Cormorant - 6 (1 ad.)
Great Blue heron - 1
Great Egret - 8
Snowy Egret - 20+
Little Blue Heron - 12 (3 ad.)
Green Heron - 4
White Ibis - 6 (1 ad.)
Glossy Ibis - 2
Blue-winged Teal - 10 (kind surprising0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
Semipalmated Plover - 4
Killdeer - 20+
Lesser Yellowlegs - 2
Solitary Sandpiper - 3
Spotted Sandpiper - 4
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 50+
Least Sandpiper - 12
Pectoral Sandpiper - 30+
Least Tern - 11
Black Tern - 4
Mourning Dove - 3
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1
Red-bellied Wp. - 2
Downy Wp. - 1
Barn Swallow - 6
Blue Jay - 2
Fish Crow - 2
Car. Chickadee - 2
Tufted Titmouse - 1
Car. Wren - 2
Northern Mockingbird - 3
Euro. Starling - 16
Am. Redstart - 1
Northern Cardinal - 1
Red-winged Blackbird - 25+
Common Grackle - 5


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get
better. It's not." (Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax")