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Pea Island shorebirds

	Spent two hours yesterday on the salt flats at Pea Island trying to
relocate that Curlew Sandpiper. Did not succeed. This is what I found:
	Semipalmated Plover (100's)
	Black-bellied Plover	(dozens)
	American Avocet	(12)
	Greater Yellowleg
	Lesser Yellowleg
	Spotted Sandpiper (several)
	Whimbrel (1)
	Marbled Godwit (1)
	Red Knot (1)
	Semipalmated Sandpiper
	Western Sandpiper
	Least Sandpiper
	Pectoral Sandpiper (15)
	Stilt Sandpiper (dozens)
	Dowitchers, sp (I think both)
	Black Tern

	Did not have time to check out north or south ponds or Bodie Island pond.
Also, there was nothing of interest on the clipboard at the visitor center.
		Jeff Lewis