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Juvenile Ceruleans

	Does anyone out there have any experience with juvenile/first fall Cerulean
Warblers? I had a small, very active, short-tailed warbler yesterday that
was brownish above, whitish below (much like a juv. Pine Warbler) with two
bold white wing bars, a fairly bold light supercilium, AND blue on the
crown. I would not have a problem with calling this bird a Cerulean except
for how brown it was on the upperparts (I did not notice much streaking,
although it could have been there - this was a naked eye sighting from about
8 feet away as the bird struggled with a worm on the ground). The date is
certainly good for Ceruleans but I have to wonder if the young migrate in
this plumage. Also, there WAS a cold front through and I did have a few
other migrants yesterday including my first Bobolink of the season.
Any thoughts?
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC