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Marbled Godwit @ and Buff-breasted SP nr Coddle Creek

This morning, between 0730 and 0800 there was a Marbled Godwit stitching the
shallows south of the Hwy 136 bridge east of the creek channel and pumphouse
of Lake Don T. Howell (Coddle Creek Res.). He was as close to the road as a
foraging shorebird could be, and gave me a good twenty-minute look. I hadn't
seen that anyone else has reported same at this location, but this certainly
adds to the fact that this location is "Shorebird City" this summer.

Also seen from the bridge this morning (in addition to the more usual
Cliff Swallows
Pectoral SPs
Least SPs
White-rumped SPs
Lesser Yellowlegs
LOTS of great egrets (18)
Little Blue Herons (3)
A single N. Pintail (in flight)

Also, I stopped at a heretofore unknown (to me) sod farm about two miles
west of Odell School Rd. on Hwy 73 after passing a small sign on the north
side of the road that said "AH Sod Pickup."  I doubled back and entered the
grounds on the unpaved drive whereupon I drove about 150m back.  The grass
to the north was littered with E. Bluebirds of all ages and only one
shorebird: a solitary Buff-breasted SP, with his distinctive coloration,
bill, and legs.  There appeared to be workmen with equipment at the west end
of the field, but not close enough for me to feel the need to ask
permission, nor did it seem I needed it as no one took especial notice of
me.  I was there a total of about 10 minutes.

Also, a Blue-winged Warbler was seen and heard at Cowans Ford WR this

Tomm "naughty boy" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTommX@XBellSouth.net or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
So he stood in his shoes
   And he wonder'd,
   He wonder'd,
He stood in his
   Shoes and he wonder'd.
			~ John Keats
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