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Goldfinches, E. Bbirds, and T. Titmice

Speaking of Goldfinches (of which we have an abnormal number on Lake Norman
this season along with an abnormal number of E. Bluebirds for the entire
50-mile radius area (where ARE the Kestrels when we need them?<G>)) sipping
water from himmer-feeder ant-traps, I have vegetable (peanut) oil in my
ant-traps, and the Tufted Titmice are comical as they perch on the vertical
hanging rod and sip OIL!  Liquid suet, I guess.  Good fat calories there, I

Tomm "ancora imparo" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC
Sky6Tomm9@6Bell9South.net or Tom6Lo9@6Microsoft9.com
(remove numerals to use addresses)
It's a small world.
But, I'd hate to have to paint it.
Visit me at: http://www.1000plus.com/Tomshmpg.htm

-----Original Message-----
From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
[mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of Sheila Denn
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 10:26
To: Carolinabirds
Subject: Re: Help needed, Bald Eagle, pelagic trip

Karen Bearden wrote:

> By the way, Joe and I recently returned from a three week birding
> vacation to Maine and New Brunswick. Two of the most numerous birds we
> saw were American Goldfinch and Cedar Waxwing. It was great to flocks of
> them wherever we went. To tie this in with the Carolina's, I have a
> question: Are you seeing more goldfinch this year in your area? We have
> lots more, talkative and active at the feeders and water. It's been a
> treat to see goldfinch drinking water from the ant trap above the
> hummingbird feeder. Just the right size for them I guess!

I live in extreme northern Chatham County, and we have also noticed a lot
more goldfinches this year. I have seen up to 25 at a time on various
feeders, and we had a big surge about a month ago when a bunch of babies
were fledging. Our goldfinches have also caught on to the ant trap trick --
people keep telling me that I should put oil in it instead of water, but we
haven't had a problem with ants, and now I feel obligated to keep it filled
with water because the goldfinches love drinking from it so much. The
titmice are starting to drink from it too.

Sheila Denn
Chatham County, NC