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Great Egrets at Four Seasons Marsh

Expecting a repeat of Wednesday today, Ron Selvey and I walked around the
nature trail and the warbler trail at Jackson Park in Hendersonville, NC.
Having given up we were returning to our cars and had gone half way back on
the Warbler trail when we stumbled on a small party of warblers, Ron saw a
Blue-headed Vireo, Chesnut-sided Warbler and he is 95 per cent sure on a
Yellow-throated Warbler.  We also saw Northern Parula, Black-and-White
Warblers, Black-throated Green Warblers, and Blackburnian Warblers.

On my way past the marsh on Four Season's Boulevard opposite the movie
theaters, we saw two Great Egrets perched on telephone wires over the marsh.

John Lindfors
mailto: JLindfors@msn.com
Hendersonville, North Carolina