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Blue Ridge Venture Update

Our Blue Ridge and Mt. Mitchell Venture this past Wednesday 29 August
produced some excellent early fall migration activity.
While most of the woodland along the Blue Ridge Parkway was fairly quiet,
warblers and other migrants were pouring through the billowing fog and cloud
at Craggy Gap. We must have spent 2 hours there enjoying the "movable feast"
before heading up to a well-deserved picnic lunch at Mt. Mitchell.
Highlights were:
Tennessee Warbler (hundreds)
Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, and Blackburnian
Warblers (dozens)
Parula, Magnolia, Canada, Palm, Redstart (singles)
Also Scarlet Tanagers, Red-eyed and Blue-headed Vireos and a very
cooperative Yellow-billed Cuckoo that allowed scope vires! Not an everyday

Our next Ventures are daytrips to Cowpens (fall migration) on October 7 and
Hooper Lane, Henderson County (sparrows) on October 14.
Also a three day Venture to Snowbird Lodge, Robbinsville, NC from 17-19
New 2001-2002 brochures have been printed and being mailed. Call or e-mail
me for a copy, if you do not receive one.

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776