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Bucksport on 9-3

Hi Carolinabirders,
	There was heavy rain most of the morning, which gave way to sunny skies
and much cooler and drier temperatures.  I went to Bucksport figuring the
birding might be good.  It was ok for shorebirds but poor for passerines. A
paltry 15 species

Little Blue Heron-6 four adults and two immatures
Turkey Vulture-4
Am. Kestrel-1 female
Killdeer 15+
Lesser Yellowlegs-1
Spotted Sandpiper-1 juvenile
Semipalmated Sandpiper-11
Mourning Dove-4
Hummingbird sp-1
Purple Martin-1 injured female
Barn Swallow-3
Swallow sp-2
Am. Crow-4
N. Mockingbird-3
Eur. Starling-4
N. Cardinal-4

The butterflying was decidedly better.


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC