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Re: Birds of the Carolinas : Field Guide

Agree.  I browsed through the book at the local bookseller.  The book
contains a page or so on each of the species considered to be a regular in
the Carolinas.  It does not, however, seem to have much information
specific to the area.  In other words the information you get on a cardinal
will probably be the same info as in the version titled "Birds of Vermont".
The Potter et. al. text is specifically geared to the distribution and
status of each species within the Carolinas.

Does anyone have any idea if the Potter BOTC will be updated?  The status
of so many species has changed since the most recent edition.  I'm ready to
go out and buy a revised text!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC

Will Cook <cwcook@duke.edu>@acpub.duke.edu on 09/07/2001 10:47:37 AM

Sent by:  carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu

To:   carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject:  Birds of the Carolinas : Field Guide

I just heard about a new book called "Birds of the Carolinas : Field
Guide" by Stan Tekiela - apparently a cookie-cutter type book, written by
a Minnesotan who I suspect hasn't even visited the Carolinas.  Looks like
he's doing this for all the eastern/mid-western states:

The best book on the subject is still "Birds of the Carolinas" by Potter
et al., which is available in most local bookstores.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708

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