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Large day on Roanoke Island

Greetings: Lots of migrants on Roanoke Island today after last night's north
winds with very clear skies. By far the best day so far this fall here. Must
have seen a couple hundred warblers today, Bobolinks, LOTS of Baltimore
Orioles, Eastern Kingbirds, a DICKCISSEL, a Blue Grosbeak, Goldfinch,
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Cedar Waxwings,... Best warblers out of 13 species
were NASHVILLE, CHESTNUT-SIDED, 3 Magnolias, 2 Worm-eatings, first Palms of
the fall. Yesterday had a WILSON'S Warbler in the Elizabethan Gardens,
monday a Bay-breasted Warbler. Went home at lunch today and a Scarlet
Tanager was enjoying my drip-dish/bath. What a day! Too bad I had to work
and didn't have the day off to bird! Wonder what was at Pea Island?
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC