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Chatham Co. birding this morning


This morning was a good morning (although not as good as I had hoped!) 
for counting birds in the wake of the cold front coming through 
yesterday.  I found several flocks of migrants while counting for the 
North American Migration Census in Chatham Co. (around Jordan Lake, NC) 
this morning (15 Sep 01).  Among the more interesting sightings were 3 
adult Bald Eagles, a large flock (50+) of Indigo Buntings, and several 
warblers including Yellow (rare here at this time of year), parula, 
Blackburnian, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Yellow-throated, 
N. Waterthrush, redstart, etc. No thrushes at all yet.  I'll be sending 
full results to Will Cook, who organized the Chatham Co. count today, and 
I'm sure he'll make a full report available soon.

Good Birding,

Jeff Pippen   	 				 jspippen@duke.edu
Biology Dept. Box 90338				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278