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I received an email from a special friend on Carolinabirds saying I had
been much too quiet lately. These past two weeks have been very hard on
me, as I'm sure it has been for you. At the last moment I canceled our
plans for the CBC meeting in Santee because of the lack of sleep lately.
And we all know, there isn't much time for sleep on CBC weekends! I
really missed seeing everyone, especially Barb and Bob Maxwell. I hear
you're looking great Barb! So far I haven't read much about the weekend.
I'd love it if someone could write a summary of the weekend to share
with us on Carolinabirds, please!

Our goldfinch numbers have decreased in the past week and we haven't
seen a hummingbird since the beginning of the month. Jill had all of the
hummingbirds at her house this summer!! The catbirds haven't been coming
to the suet for 3 weeks, but I hear one occasionally.

Two weeks ago Joe and I lead a trip to the Triangle Land Conservancy's
White Pine Nature Preserve, off of 15/501, south of Pittsboro, NC.
American Redstart, Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, Eastern
Wood-Pewee, Eastern Phoebe, Summer Tanager, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
were some of the highlights. I was surprised we didn't see or hear any
vireos after having a good number of them the week before at Lake

It's always good to have press and recognition for birding and our
birds. Although I, like Jill, was also misquoted in the Chapel Hill
paper. It wasn't me talking about the White-throated Sparrow, although I
love them. I predict that was Judy? I told him about the Roseate
Spoonbill at Ding Darling NWR that hooked Joe and I. I appreciated Dave
coming to the meeting though. He was nice and could tell we were
passionate about our birds. Thanks for the GREAT program Rob!

We've planned a spur of the moment trip to the mountains this weekend
thanks to the Foothill Bird Club email from Dwayne. Birding will be good
therapy. Maybe we'll see some people we missed last weekend.

Take care of yourselves. Happy birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC