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Ft Fisher again

Once again I spent a gorgeous day on Ft Fisher, and once again the birding
was good, though not excellent. Among the notable mentions were: 
One nelson's Sharp-Tailed sparrow staunchly denying me a good look and
leading me deeper into the marsh.

Two Soras fussing about at the edge of the marsh at low tide and briefly
chasing each other out onto the sand before realizing just what they had
done and dashing back in.

Ten Semi-Palmated Plovers at the head of Hermit Creek looking as innocent
as new-born babes.

Three (yes, three) Merlins chasing each other for no reason that I could
see other than that they could pirouette through the air like nobody's

One small dead tree hng with fifteen flickers, and looking very

Prairie, Palm and Magnolia Warblers gettng annoyed at me as I pished.

One forlorn Sandwich Tern in a flock of Caspians and Royals (I have never
seen so many Caspians before in N Carolina).

This was my first sighting of a Sora in N Carolina, and a year first for
nelsons Sharp Tail sparrow. Year: 373.

Odd misses: NO OSPREY or Little Blue Heron. and only a handful of White
Ibis. Very Bizarre.

Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
