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clay-colored sparrow, et al Horry Cty, SC

Hi y'all,
    Woohoo! Birds, birds, mo' birds! This fall's migration (thus far) has
been pretty sporty for the Independent Republic of Horry.
    A quick trip to Waites Island yesterday with Chris Hill added Bobolink
and  Chestnut-sided Warbler to the Odyssey list. Other cool birds included
Scarlet and Summer tanagers, fem-type Cape May, a bundle of Y-b cuckoos, a
plethora of Gray catbirds, half the Common yellowthroats in the free world
(well, ok...just a bunch of 'em) a Merlin checking the causeway shrubbery,
an imm. Bald Eagle and.....a White-throated Sparrow.
    This afternoon while watching a flurry of Redstarts in shrubs near the
fence alongside the sewage ponds in Conway, I found a Clay-colored Sparrow
perched on a bare branch in a Black Willow. No other sparrows were seen or
heard. Called Jack P. to come down but we were unable to relocate the bird.
Other cool birds were B-t Blue (ad. male and fem/imm.-type) N. Waterthrush,
C. Yellowthroat, N. Parula and an Empid continuously calling a distinctive
"bzzzt" as it foraged.

Odyssey update: 268, all in 4 counties in the coastal plain.

Are we having fun yet?


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get
better. It's not." (Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax")