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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch - 10/19/01

11:30 a.m.  -  5:00 p.m.

Wow! What an unexpectedly good day we had, today! 219 total with 9 species.

Turkey Vulture        190
Sharp-shinned            17
Red-tailed                    3
Black Vulture              1
Osprey                          1
Mississippi Kite           1
Cooper's                       1
Merlin                           1
Peregrine                       1
Unidentified                  1

All though being a really tough day(high winds, leaf lookers, howler monkeys
and most of the TV's were just specks,) it was very rewarding.
We're still looking for that massage therapist/birder.
Oh, we refer to the LOUD tourists as howler monkeys.

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC