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Two Rail Day/ Henderson County

        Yesterday 11/1/01 Ron Selvey Called me to report a VIRGINIA RAIL in
Jackson Park.  I finally got there about 4:45 PM and staked out the area.
Within 5 minutes a SORA walked out on the mudflat, recently created by the
park personal removing a few beaver dams.  I spoke to Ron and he said that
he no doubt,  saw a Virginia, long thin bill and all.
        This morning at 7:15 AM I was there again hoping to add the bird to
my year list.  I spent about 10 minutes with no luck.  I then played a
Virginia Rail tape, (just the first, brief,  2 calls on the Peterson tape)
and within seconds the Virginia came skulking out on the mudflat.  I
observed it from about 40 feet for 1-2 minutes before it disappeared.
Shortly there after the Sora appeared.  During the next 15 minutes the
Virginia appeared 2 more times.
        A very nice, but unexpected treat up here in the mountains of
western North Carolina.  The Virginia Rail is my 218th bird of the year for
birds above 2000 feet in the mountains of western NC.
        Anyone interested in trying for these birds, needs to go to the back
gate of Jackson Park (Glover Street entrance).  Follow the fence line down
the hill to the curve, ( about 150 yds.) where you will see a bench off to
your right.  Peer beyond the bench, across the ditch and check the muddy
openings in the brush along the creek bank.


Wayne K. Forsythe
Hendersonville, N. C. 28791