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backyard birds

spent some time today watching the feeders and all of a sudden a flock of
about 10 pine siskins descended on the feeders.  This is the earliest I have
ever seen them, usually I only get them in groups of 2-3 and in very
inclement weather like the 20" snow we had.  I also had cedar waxwings
living up to their name by eating the cedar berries.  Earlier this week, I
had a sharp-shinned hawk attacking the yard/birds to no avail.  It sat on
the feeder pole affording me a nice look.  It was interesting to note that
the blue jay continued eating and ignored the hawk, I wonder if it is
because the size is similiar.  Have also had RC and GC kinglets which seem
early to me although I don't keep records.  Robins were on the move today also.
Barbara Brooks  Hillsborough NC  brooksba@mindspring.com