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Re: Poetic justice/T. Parkin Hunter email

It's very doubtful that we would have Peregrines in North Carolina now if
not for the falconers who knew so much about handling, hacking, etc.
As for hunting, although I haven't hunted in 20 years, I still say "Yes" is
someone asks me if I'm a hunter. I find it impossible to explain the magic
of being in the woods hunting to someone who has never done it.
                                                  Reece Mitchell
                                                  Flat Rock
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harrold, Eric S" <esharrol@email.uncc.edu>
To: <Brian_VanDruten@fws.gov>
Cc: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: RE: Poetic justice/T. Parkin Hunter email

> Brian,
> If you are trying to send a message to the same people who are in extreme
> opposition to falconry after all the good that this fraternity has done
> raptor conservation, I've got two words for you....Good luck...
> As a biologist, I have never understood the mentality that consumptive use
> is altogether negative...Ducks Unlimited, The Wild Turkey Federation, and
> the latest North American Grouse Partnership will continue to promote
> conservation of the resources they utilize while the anti-consumptive use
> contigent continues to scream that "the sky is falling".
> Eric Harrold
> Charlotte, NC
> esharrol@email.uncc.edu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian_VanDruten@fws.gov
> To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
> Sent: 11/21/01 9:15 AM
> Subject: Poetic justice/T. Parkin Hunter email
> Just remember that some of the most avid bird watchers
> are also members of the hunting community.
> Sincerely,
> Brian Van Druten