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Broad-tail viewing tips

I took a pair of local birders back to the Tickle residence near
Burlington, NC to view the Broad-tailed Hummingbird Sunday.  As on the
previous visit the bird was fairly easy to locate, but did not spend much
time at the feeders (only one visit in an hour).  This bird especially does
not seem terribly tied to the nectar source, instead spending the majority
of the time flycatching.  My suggestion on viewing the bird is to key in on
the vocalizations he frequently makes while perched and moving from perch
to perch.  The bird spent much time in the top branches of the oak trees
around the residence.  He would sally from the perch on occasion but
usually return to the same spot, much like a typical flycatcher.  By
finding the perch location long views of the bird were possible.  This may
be one of those hummers that is frustrating to get good looks at if the
observer focuses on the feeders as visits are short and infrequent.  Maybe
this will change once the weather finally becomes seasonal?  In any case,
if you go to view the bird listen for those distinctive hummer chip notes!
As Susan mentioned in a recent post, the wing whir so noticeable in male
Broad-tails is not yet evident in this bird.  He is generally silent in
flight with the exception of the chatter calls.

Around the house we are seeing the Red-breasted Nuthatch on a daily basis
and have seen Fox Sparrow two of the past four days.  The number of Tundra
Swans at West Lake pond was up to 5 yesterday according to Tracy who drove
by on the way to an errand.  My previous ID of Mute Swans at that location
was incorrect, the birds were juvenile Tundra as opposed to juvenile Mute.
As a result the number of birds on the 23rd was also 5 Tundra.

Have a great week!
Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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