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Cedar Island etc.

Sorry for the late posting, but had pretty good luck at Cedar Island this 
past weekend.  Went for the Decoy Festival at Harker's Island and stayed at 
Cedar Island at the motel beside the ferry terminal.  Lots of birds on the 
beach and in the pond beside the wildlife ramp--great black backed, herring, 
ring-billed, laughing, and lesser black backed gulls, sanderlings, willets, 
greater yellow legs, dowitcher, dunlin, semi-palmated sandpiper, black necked 
stilt, royal tern, common and red throat loons, pied billed grebe, Wilson's 
plover, kingfisher, saltmarsh sharptail sparrow.  In the trees around the 
motel, junco, palm warbler, pine warbler, yellow rumps,  and orange crowned 
warblers, white throat sparrows, cardinals.  Best bird was on the road 
between Cedar Island and whatever that next little town is.  A beautiful 
American bittern was standing at the edge of the marsh about three feet from 
the paved road.  He stood there for about five minutes for me and then 
flapped across the road to the marsh on the other side.  Life bird for me!!  
Northern harrier was over the marsh as well.  White winged scoter and black 
scoter seen from ferry.

Mary Hu Bridges
Goldsboro, NC