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White-winged Crossbills Continue at Granfather Mnt.

A group of cold, wet but determined(!) birders got a ten-minute view of the 
White-winged Crossbills at the Nature Center on Grandfather Mountain this 
morning at 10:10 am.   The birds may have been seen after that --- another 
birder was hanging around to try and get another look after we left.  We 
don't know how that went. 

Grandfather Mt. opened late (about 9:30), due to concerns about icing on the 
access road.  For a while they hinted they might not open at all today!  We 
arrived at the Nature Center about 9:45 and braved fog and freezing temps 
until the birds flew in --- about 10-12 birds, but some may have been Red 

Thanks, Dwayne Martin, for finding these great birds! 

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC