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New Road & Conway Sewage Ponds

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, Gary had to work and Paul went to Virginia to see family so I
birded solo at New Road and the Conway Sewage Ponds, Conway, Horry County,
SC.  Finally a decent rain overnight and a colder (not really cold) front
moved through.  Hoped to get a Creeper but no luck.  35 species, highlights
were Ring-necked Duck, Hooded Merganser, Five woodpeckers-all the
possibilties except Hairy. Greater Yellowlegs, Snipe, and 18 Least
Sandpiper. The best bird was a White-eyed Vireo, a tough bird to find and I
believe that some are misid as Ruby-crowned Kinglet, which is what I
thought this one was until I saw the yellow in the flanks.


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC