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New Road & Conway Sewage Ponds

Today I went to New Road and the Conway Sewage Ponds in Conway, Horry
County SC.
Gary Phillips showed up to do the New Road part of my sojurn with me.
All told 35 species.  Best birds were the Wood Duck, (heard only),
Ring-necked Duck, a heard only Red-shouldered Hawk, 19 Least Sandpiper,
three Red-headed Woodpecker, two Pileateds, a Marsh Wren, both kinlets,
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Hermit Thrush, a flock of about 20 Cedar Waxwing,
two Palm Warbler,and good numbers of Song, Swamp and White-throated Sparrows.

Good birding, good company.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC