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Holdovers, western birds and some SRS results (my area only)

Hi Folks

I haven't posted in a while (been doing my birding in GA) but I figured I'd 
just point out that all up and down the east coast there are MANY first, 
second and third (etc.) winter records for an array of species in various 
states. Examples include the following:

B-t Green and Chestnut-sided Warbler in GA
Nashville Warbler in MA
Cape May Warbler in RI
Least Sandpipers and Lesser Yellowlegs in MA MacGillivray's Warbler in CT
Townsend's Warbler in NJ (and one in Newfoundland (along with B&W Warbler, 
B-t Green and Pine warblers and a White-eyed Vireo)
MANY numerous Ash-throated Flycatchers throughout the east and various 
(I'm certain there are others I missed but this was a quick scan of the 


The Eastern Kingbird should be verified... but it would not be as much of a 
surprise to me (this year) if other observers, hotographs (or a skin if you 
want to go that far) were to conclude that it is this species.

On Wednesday John Kilgo, Chris Moorman, Tracey Champlin and I worked John 
Kilgo's CBC area on the Savannah River Station in southern SC. We had some 
great numbers and a few nice birds:

Henslow's Sparrow (8) (WHile I expected to find this species in our area I 
did NOT expect this number. We were located along the upper flodplane of the 
Savannah River which is quite different from the sandhills section of the 
site. The birds were [as they are in the sandhills section] along powerline 
transects that exceded 50m in width. We only covered about 1-1/2 miles of 
transect [which blows the mind... there are hundreds of miles of transect 
here] There was NO WATER INVOLVED IN THEIR PLACEMENT. It was entirely dry 
and some of the birds were in a grass/vine matrix. One bird we saw looked to 
have a much smaller bill... Eastern population I suspect. We saw 4 quite 

Bachman's Sparrow (3)
B&W Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Palm Warbler
Unidentified Hummingbird (buzzed up from a wood pile then dove back behind 
King Rail (many many many)
VA Rail
Rusty Blackbird

(Please respond to capito@hotmail.com)

Paul Champlin
New Ellenton, SC