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lincoln's sparrow

I was getting dissappointed in the sparrow numbers
here on my farm where I put out 5 widely dispersed
tubular plastic feeders for sparrows. Each will hold
30 lbs of millet and I was making the field mice
happy!I observed a Lincoln's sparrow yesterday at one
such feeder which was almost empty--on another note I
have a good number of field sparrows which I am not
used to having in such numbers, an inordinate amount
of chipping sparrows, and much fewer than normal song
and white throated sparrows. Last year I would have
bet serious money on one area of my farm having more
swamp sparrows per acre than anywhere elsein the state
but they seem to be much less abundant this year.My
farm is located in or near Trenton, NC in Jones
county-clancy ballenger----ps I have not seen a fox
spaarow here this year either

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