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Black-Chinned Hummingbird on Ocracoke

Peter Vankevich asked me to notify everyone that a Black-Chinned Hummingbird
was found during the Ocracoke CBC on Friday, December 28th.  The bird is
still at the location, Middle Road, today.  Pictures have been taken and
will be posted when the film can be developed.

Pink-footed goose-not.  Ocracoke locals as well as several folks here for
the CBC confirm that the pink-footed goose is a hybrid. Locals say it is a
result of a union between a pet goose and a Canada Goose last summer.  It is
known to hang out with a gaggle of Canada's that are also
Ocracoke Island  residents.

Elizabeth Hanrahan
Wildlife Rehabilitator
State & Federal Permits
Ocracoke, NC