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Evening Grosbeaks?

Has anyone seen any Evening Grosbeaks during all of this lovely snow?  Would
surely like to know where they are.  We have our usual plethora of
goldfinch, with two thistle feeders going and  the limbs full of those
waiting their turn.  My yard has not produced as much excitement as I have
had in the past,, but the day is young.  Snow usually brings out at least
one hermit thrush or/and a fox sparrow.

This morning has yielded Baltimore Orioles, whte br. nuthatches, brown
headed nuthatches, red-winged blackbirds, red-bellied woodpeckers, yellow
shafted flickers, Amer. Robins, Mo-do's, Rock doves, Carolina wrens, Juncos,
white throated sparrows, house finch (no purple) , mockingbird, downy
woodpecker, Starlings, titmouse, chickadee, and lots of goldfinch, but no
pine siskins in my yard this year so far.  But , like I said, the day is

Joanne Harley
New Bern,NC