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Re:owls at UNC

>can anyone tell us where the owls are on the quad at the university?
 >Outside of which building? Thanks!!!! Kirsten

uhhhh yeah, someone could..... :-)

  during the day the owls usually sleep in the holly trees near the new 
construction behind Pettigrew Hall (the last few times I've been by they 
were both sleeping a few ft. apart in the tallest holly). Sometimes only one 
is present and sometimes by later in day songbirds or crows have chased them 
out of those trees. Occasionally, early morning (before they go to sleep) I 
find the male roosting on the large gap in the old Davie Poplar. The female 
may also use the nesthole (which is near the Davie Pop.) to roost in. After 
dusk they tend to cavort over the entire back half of the quad (away from 
Franklin St.).
  And hey, the Chapel Hill newspaper asked me to write  something on them 
which will be in paper sometime in mid-to-latter January.

Rob Gluck
Chapel Hill

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