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Clemson Hummer report

	I last saw my Hummer around 1PM today . It first fed at a warm feeder at
7:30  and flew into a nearby gardenia and fed quite often all morning. I
could hear and see it in the gardenia. When returning from running some
errands between 2-4PM I sat down to observe it about 4:10 and it did not
return! Even when it was only coming to the feeders a few times a day it
usually came in between 4-5Pm for the last time. We last saw the female on
Jan. 2. It makes me wonder if the all day snow yesterday and the colder
temps "encouraged" them to move to warmer locations.

Hopefully it will return in the morning. It was quite active and chatty
today. You can bet I'll have my feeders warmed and waiting!

After giving my better observed descriptions  to Rusty Trump yesterday, he
thought it might be a female Rufous or Allen's. The other female that came
mostly to my neighbors feeders was very light in coloration with a green
back and an all white breast and belly. I only got fleeting looks at her.

It was a great morning having the Hummer at my feeder and 3 Bluebirds
sitting around a warmed birdbath! Ahh!

Will keep everyone informed.
Thanks for everyones help.

Clemson SC