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Feeding Squirrels - Recommended technique

At our feeders yesterday afternoon we ended up feeding a squirrel...to a
Red-tailed Hawk.  Very cool.  This particular tree rat has been
especially persistent in pursuit of food for birds - so much so that
he/she became the food.  A bit too literal for Zen.

The hawk must have seen the squirrel near the feeder on the deck which
looks out on an open area where we usually have Red-tails, Red
Shoulders, and Kestrels.  He ate half of it in the yard and felt like he
was being watched (!) and flew to a nearby tree to finish.   Now that
this hawk has had success I'm sure he will try again.  That is a "Good
Thing". (Thanks Martha S.)

Tim Lewis & Lori Unruh
Weaverville, NC