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Monks; Re: FW: Welcome to NEWBIRDHAWK

Hi Carolinabirders,

Norm Budnitz says he and Will Cook checked out NC's new Monk Parakeet 
(aka Quaker Parrot) colony recently, and asked a question that I and 
others were already wondering, and that I couldn't answer at the time. 
How do exotic bird populations become "countable" for ABA lists? Did some 
quick web-surfing on the topic this morning. The ABA listing rules read:

"an introduced species may be counted only where and when it meets the 
ABA Checklist's definition for being an established population. An 
introduced species observed well away from the accepted geographic area 
is not counted if it is more likely to be a local escape or release 
rather than an individual straying from the distant population"

I think the ABA checklist's definition of "established" is a wild 
population that has increased or maintained its numbers for ten years 
without direct human assistance. I'm assuming that the Monk colony we 
were talking about here hasn't been around quite that long, so we'll 
probably have to keep watching...

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Harrold, Eric S wrote:
> For those interested in raptor conservation or falconry here is a fairly new
> list serv. Lots of good stuff from Stan Moore!!

Anyone who thinks that I get overly passionate about exotic species, or 
Gary gets a little too excited about banding hummingbirds, should talk to 
Stan Moore about grazing sometime...

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
