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Woohoo! Gary Phillips & Susan Campbell to Hampstead, NC....

Woohoo!  You guessed it!  Gary Phillips and Susan Campbell banded in Hampstead, NC
today.  First, I want to thank both Gary and Susan (and their helper, Jill
Froning) for coming to my humble abode.  All three are beautiful people.  Always a
joy to see them and always appreciate their dedication and hard work.  I am also
very grateful that Betty Scott introduced me to Bob Sargent and thus eventually
brought Humnet, Susan, Gary, etc.  into my life.  Thanks.

I will let both Gary and Susan fill you all in on details of their trip to our
area.  But, a sneak preview.  We now have two rufous that are sporting shiny new
bracelets.  #1, a HY female weighed in at 3.53 gr.  #2, AHY female, Susan
estimates minimum three years old, weighed in at 3.42 gr.  To me, #2 nice gorget
(20).   And, both RUHU were very cooperative in being trapped.  What a surprise to
me since whenever I am in yard, I receive a lot of hootin' and hollerin'. Thought,
perhaps, they'd be trap shy.  But they sure fooled me.  To me,
interesting that #1 was trapped in #2's territory and #2 was trapped in #1's
territory.  I'll let Gary and Susan add to details.  Should be a great trip report
when they are finished.   All I can say, is thank you.  I am now a "foster parent"
again for two very special gals and perhaps
someday.......dream.....dream.....dream..... they'll be recaptured.  Oh!  Just
love it.

Also, my three year old granddaughter, Alexis, was in total awe today.  Alexis had
the wonderful opportunity to have two RUHUs sit in her hand for quite sometime
before they flew off.  A possible future humbander.  Now, if only I can figure out
how to post some pictures to share them with you all (after they are

Separate issue/question.  Where can I get some winter honeysuckle?  Would love to
get some since I've been having winter hummers.  Appreciate any input.

Paulette Biles
Hampstead, NC