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Re: Ivory-billed WP updates

I wonder how many of the biologists conducting the field work, as well
as the rest of us eagerly awaiting the results, are concerned that the
reputed sighting a few years ago took place on April 1. Though the
observer has been grilled under great pressure and appears to be legit,
it still is a bit of concern that a phantom bird was reported on that
date, a bad date to be reporting a rare bird without a photo or voice
recording. (A hint to us in the Carolinas, as well; if you report a rare
bird on April 1, you better be prepared to face nay-sayers!).

Harry LeGrand

"Stephen J. Perry" wrote:
> >Hi Folks,
> >
> >No update on the Zeiss web page now for 3 days....maybe they've
> >found one and aren't tellin'   ;-)
> >
> >Steve
> It's now been updated: still no sign of an IBWP though. All this
> anticipation is playing havoc with my blood pressure ;-)
> --
> Steve Perry
> Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
> stevep@receptor-biol.duke.edu